Post disaster territorial stigma and gentrification. The case of the inner city slums in the northern area of Iquique


  • Gricel Maria Labbé Céspedes CITé Observatorio
  • Pedro Antonio Palma Calorio CITé Observatorio
  • Vladimir Venegas CITé Observatorio
  • Felipe Ulloa Pincheira CITé Observatorio


The process of gentrification in middle size cities like Iquique, is a growing phenomenon. The speed of this dynamic has made both real estate developers and local government to look at historic grounds, which have suffered a strong devaluation due to territorial stigma, along with the consequences of recent natural disasters, as a viable option to energize new real estate development. Thus, the case of north pericentral settlements of Iquique help to deepen the study about gentrification in a post-disaster scenario, where the subjects potentially displaced are the most vulnerable inhabitants of the city. Gentrification under said conditions represents an opportunity for the local government to do social cleanup, and allows the real-estate agencies to capitalize with disasters.


Territorial Stigma, Post-disaster gentrification, Social cleaning

Author Biography

Gricel Maria Labbé Céspedes, CITé Observatorio

Geógrafa – Universidad de ChileEstudiante Magister en Desarrollo Urbano- Pontificia Universidad Católica de ChileDiplomado en Derechos Humanos, Derecho a la vivienda y Políticas PúblicasGestor Patrimonial – Instituto Nacional de la Juventud (INJUV) Fundadora y Directora de la ONG CITé Observatorio “Ciudades Integradas al Territorio”Asistente de Investigación Fondecyt 1115042 MUEI ""External institutions and their influence on the creation of social problems in poor and excluded neighborhoods: An alternative perspective to the neighborhood effects thesis"