The impact of technological devices on bodies


  • Sebastián Massa Slimming Universidad de Chile


In the current context, in which societies are being heavily influenced by technological devices, the rationality of the market and the logic of consumption, subjectivities have been mutating, being marked by the link or transfer between the online world and offline world, due to the bodies are not only mediated by the technologies, but also the interactions of the same bodies are channeled by said devices, understood as the mediation that is established in the triad services, exchange and subjectivity itself. The objective of this paper is to analyze the impact of technological devices on bodies, based on two factors that, from a sociological point of view, could possibly be affecting, among them, the emergence of a sociohistorical context that highlights the importance of the figure of the individual and the rise of technological devices that contribute both to monitor and control the bodies of individuals based on new mechanisms and fundamentals of power.


Subjectivity – Bodies – Individuation – Technological devices

Author Biography

Sebastián Massa Slimming, Universidad de Chile

Cientista Político, Diplomado América Latina, Desarrollo y Cultura: Desafíos de la Globalización por la Universidad de Santiago y Magíster en Ciencias Sociales Mención Sociología de la Modernización por la Universidad de Chile